
How ice cream is made

The ice cream is a cool choice for hot summer and it has different types according to different classifying standards. Such as hard ice cream (from America) and soft ice cream (from Italy) sorted in terms of the country of origin; traditional ice cream, yogurt ice cream and fruit & vegetable ice cream in terms of the main raw material. But how to made the ice cream ,there are 3 stages of production the ice cream in industrial

Firstly, the ice cream raw ingredients mainly milk, added milk powder, sugars and fats such as cream, butter or vegetable-fats, must all be heat treated (cooked) and blended through heating to emulsify the fat in the mix. The mix is heated to a temperature of 65-85°C for a specific time to achieved pasteurisation which then kills harmful-bacteria present in the pre-heated ingredients. The heat treatment is usually defined in the Food Regulations that apply in the country of production. During this heating and cooling phase, flavorings can be added to the mix in the pasteuriser, such as cocoa to make chocolate ice cream or nut pastes to make hazelnut and other flavours. Sometimes vanilla pods are also added, although in most cases the vanilla is only added to the mix once cooled. This is almost always the case when industrial scale methods of production are used.

Secondly, the heated mix must be cooled rapidly, regulations normally specify this must be done within 1.5 hours, to the required temperature, usually 7°C or lower, and most equipment will usually continue this cooling down to 4°C. Once cooled the mix (hard ice cream machine)is allowed to age before flavors such as strawberry, mint, vanilla and other fruit pastes are added. Usually smaller quantities of the mix are separated to make many different flavors from this one batch. With the industrial method described below, during the second stage the mix is pumped from the pasteuriser vat through a homogeniser (a high pressure pump with an orifice). This forces the fat globules present to be broken down into smaller regular sized globules and to form a homogenous mix structure. The mix is then pumped through a plate-cooler and into the ageing vat to be further cooled for storage. The advantage gained by homogenisation is a smoother texture for the product and helping to make it more suitable for long-term storage.

Finally the chilled mix is frozen to -6°C to -9°C, very quickly within 5-10 minutes in either a continuous or batch freezer( Countertop Ice Cream Machine) by way of a churning/whipping process. During this freezing cycle the complete mixture is poured or pumped into the freezing chamber of the freezer to be frozen. Inside this chamber the mix, now containing sugars, water, fats and proteins is partially frozen incorporating air bubbles, resulting in a finished ice cream similar in consistency to a soft-serve ice cream.

Amisy supplies series of ice cream making machine. We have ice machine, double pan fried ice machine, single pan ice whipping machine, vertical soft ice cream machine,hard ice cream machine, countertop ice cream. All of these machines are meeting the urgent need of the international market. With the advanced equipment and processing technology, our products have higher quality, more new varieties, and a reasonable price.

