
Vacuum Packaging Food

In recent years, with people’s increasing demand of food quality, the techniques for food processing is developing rapidly. And vacuum technology, as a kind of advanced and practical food processing method, is now applied in many fields thus some relevant equipments appear simultaneously, like food vacuum packaging machine

Why Food Vacuum Packing
Vacuum packing food sucks all the oxygen out of the packaging prior to sealing. limiting the growth of aerobic bacteria or fungi, and preventing the evaporation of volatile components. Depending on the product, the shelf life of vacuum packaged products can easily exceed 6-times normal bagged or wrapped packages. Non-feed products can last indefinitely in the low oxygen environment . preserves product appearance because microorganisms, such as bacteria, grow at a much slower rate inside of a vacuum seal.

Food Vacuum Packing Application
It is commonly used to store foods extends the shelf life, such as cereals, nuts, cured meats, cheese, smoked fish, Meat, game, poultry, fish, dairy products,coffee, and potato chips (crisps). On a more short term basis, vacuum packing can also be used to store fresh foods, such as vegetables, meats, and liquids, because they inhibit bacterial growth.

Vacuum packaging delicate food items can be done by using an inert gas, such as nitrogen. This helps prevent crushing fragile items and delicate foods such as potato chips.

Preventing Freezer Burn
When foods are frozen, freezer burn can occur. It happens when the surface of the food is dehydrated, leads to a dried and leathery appearance. Freezer burn also ruins the flavor and texture of foods. Vacuum packing makes the freezer burn is virtually eliminated, because foods no longer become dehydrated from contact with cold, dry air.

Cannot Substitute for Canning or Dehydration
Vacuum packaged food will taste fresher and last longer than food stored in conventional containers. the food is not devoid of moisture or potentially lurking pathogens, so the vacuum packaging is not an alternative to refrigeration. Maybe don't need to refrigerate vacuum packaged cereal. But you do have to refrigerate meat, dairy and other products that require it.

Food Vacuum Packaging Machine
The food vacuum packaging machine is suitable for vacuum packing of all kinds of food, meat products, marine products, fruits and vegetables as well as medical devices. Generally, there are four main types: desk type vacuum packaging machine, single chamber vacuum packaging machine, double chamber vacuum packaging machine and three-dimensional bag vacuum packaging machine.

Food vacuum machine has a tendency of developing toward the direction of more efficient, automatization and energy saving, also strive to adopt new technology,have a broad development momentum. Amisy specialize in various food machinery, double chamber vacuum packaging machine, equipped with automatic coding system according to customers’ requirements, good sealing quality and high efficiency, which is your reliable expert for scale production food packing.

