
Garlic Preprocessing Production

Garlic Producers Distribution Proportion
Garlic is grown globally, but China is by far the largest producer of garlic, with approximately 10.5 million tonnes (23 billion pounds) grown annually, accounting for over 77% of world output. India (4.1%) and South Korea (2%) follow, with Egypt and Russia (1.6%) tied in fourth place and the United States (where garlic is grown in every state except for Alaska) in sixth place (1.4%). This leaves 16% of global garlic production in countries that each produce less than 2% of global output.

Garlic Are Important Commercial Crops
Garlic are important commercial crops cultivated throughout the country with major. It is mainly used as a condiment in food preparations and is also used as carminative and gastric stimulant in many medicinal preparations. Processing of garlic is undertaken to dehydrate it and for preparing garlic candy. garlic-based products have wide applications in food processing as well as many other industries. And pre-processing garlic for example garlic bulb separating,garlic peeling,garlic slicing and so on processing will increase profits, the garlic peeling production line which will makes your maximum of profit , and also increase your company competitive strength

Garlic Pre-Processing
Garlic Bulb Separating
Garlic bulb separating is the basis for garlic processing line. The garlic bulb separating machine is designed to separate the bulbs into cloves. Equipped with standard rubber rollers, the machine won’t damage the garlic during the garlic bulb separation process. and the gaps between the rollers can be adjusted to suit the garlic with different sizes. At the same time the machine is easy to operate and one person is enough to complete the whole separation process. With high productivity and high separating rate.

Garlic Cloves Peeling
Peeling whole cloves requires that the papery skin be removed without cutting into the garlic clove. Amisy garlic peeling machine adopting pneumatic principle makes the skin of the garlic clove can be easily removed, protecting the garlic clove completeness, freshness , which adopted  the garlic cloves peeling without water designed have high efficiency and water-saving. The peeling rate of the machine can reach 95% and there is no damage to the garlic cloves, the machine equipped with automatic control device which automatic feeding device, peel the garlic cloves automatically ,that is very easy to operate and clean

Garlic Cloves Slicing
To cutting an garlic clove, it is hard because of garlic is too small to cutting ,garlic slicing machine is currently the most advanced garlic/ginger processing equipment make the cutting garlic clove easily. It can cutting garlic with high cutting speed,and the finished garlic slices are smooth and uniform, which the thickness of the garlic slices can be adjusted freely, the garlic slicing machine is made of stainless steel, approval of the national hygienic standards, which can be use separately or with production line ,it is best choice for many garlic-based products processing industry

Market Prospect
garlic preprocessing production have a prospected market, it is extremely useful in the food,medicine,seasoning,condiment ,health care and other garlic-based food processing industries. The garlic processing production line is a good helper for deep process of garlic industry, it is no doubt with large market potential. Choose Amisy garlic processing production can bring you infinite profit.

Cashew Apple and Cashew Nuts

Did you know that strawberries are the only fruits with the seeds on the outside? the cashew apple also had seeds on the outside (the seed being the cashew nut). He was partially right because cashews are seeds to the cashew tree, but the cashew apple is a accessory fruit, therefore the cashew nut is the fruit of the cashew tree and not the apple. Anyways, all of that to say that it got me researching cashews. Here’s what I found out:

Unlike most fruits where the seed is found inside the flesh, the cashew seed hangs from the bottom of the cashew apple.

This cashew apple is an accessory fruit (sometimes called a pseudocarp or false fruit) by-product of the cashew nut. The pulp of the cashew apple is very juicy, but the skin is fragile, making it unsuitable for transport. In Latin America, a fruit drink is made from the cashew apple pulp which has a very refreshing taste and tropical flavor that can be described as having notes of mango, raw green pepper, and just a little hint of grapefruit-like citrus.

The fresh cashew apple fruit is not only edible but delicious, but cashew nuts are more popular than cashew apples in many parts of the world—regions that do not grow cashews—because the fruit, unlike the nut, is difficult to transport to these places. Unlike cashew nuts, cashew apples are extremely soft and much too perishable to bring to market and it begin to ferment as soon as they are picked and will barely last 24 hours. For this reason, used to make liqueurs, canned,  jams, cashew juice and cashew juice concentrate are often shipped to these nonlocal countries instead of the fresh fruit.

The true fruit of the cashew tree is a kidney or boxing-glove shaped drupe that grows at the end of the cashew apple. The seed is surrounded by a double shell containing an allergenic phenolic resin, anacardic acid, a potent skin irritant chemically related to the better-known allergenic oil urushiol which is also a toxin found in the related poison ivy. This substance is removed during the shelling process(Cashew Grading Machine) and is used in the making of such products as varnish, insecticide, paint, and even rocket lubricant. For this primary reason, cashews are never sold in the shell. and properly roasting cashews destroys the toxin. It’s crazy that a plant is the same family as poison ivy can produce such a delicious nut!Properly roasting cashews destroys the toxin

The cashew nuts in the international market , it is a popular snack and food source as well savory dishes worldwide. Delicately sweet yet crunchy and delicious cashew nut is packed with energy, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for robust health! Cashews, unlike other oily tree nuts, contain starch to about 10% of their weight. This makes them more effective than other nuts in thickening water-based dishes such as soups, meat stews, and some Indian milk-based desserts. Many southeast Asian and south Asian cuisines use cashews for this unusual characteristic, rather than other nuts.

Fried Peanut Processing Line Processing Procedure

Making fried peanuts is easy to do and requires raw peanuts and oil. Peanuts can be shelled before frying or can be fried while inside the shells, in which case the shells can be eaten or removed just before the peanut is eaten, after the peanuts deep frying and extrude the fried peanuts extra oil to ensure it more healthy, then seasoning the fried peanuts and packaging it , that's all the flavor fried peanut steps have been done

Fried peanut processing line the flowchart is as follow:
Peanuts—peanut kernel blanching—peanut kernel red skin peeling(Roasted Peanut Peeling Machine)—peanut frying(Automatic Electric/Gas Frying Machine)—fried nuts de-oiling(Fried Food De-oiling Machine)—peanut flavoring(Fried Food Flavoring Machine)—fried peanuts packaging(Vacuum Packaging Machine)

Fried Peanut Processing Line Processing
1. One of the most important things to do when making fried peanuts is to choose high-quality, raw peanuts which can be grown in a home garden, purchased from a local farm, or picked up at the grocery store. and the locally grown peanuts often have better flavor because they are fresher.

2. The blanching machine is used to roast the peanut, let the peanut kernel red skin easy to peeling and keep the nature flavor of the peanut.

3. Peeling the peanut kernel red skin, and keep the nature flavor of the peanut. peanut peeling machine which can remove the red skin coat and make the peanuts taste more savory, high peeling rate and no damage to the peanut.

4. Frying is a core step, using a high quality oil will help make fried peanuts taste better, vegetable, soy, or canola oil can be used for a clean flavor that does not interfere with the taste of the peanuts. The purpose of the frying is to reduce the moisture in the peanut and get crispy peanut. When frying, please grasp the right time, neither too early nor too late.

The automatic electric/gas frying machine is widely used for processing nuts, which is specially designed for frying small size material like all kinds of peanuts, seeds ,etc. The process of feeding and discharging are full automatic ,

5. Extrude the fried peanuts extra oil to ensure it more healthy, the fried peanut is placed into the de-oiling machine which make centrifugal principle removed the spare oil , achieve the purpose of energy saving as well as making sure the fried foods more tasty and healthy.

6. At this point, salt or other spices can be sprinkled on top of the peanuts to give them more flavor. Any additional flavorings should be added to the cook's taste. The food flavoring machine enjoys great popularity in food processing industry, it is used for flavoring all kinds of fried food include fried peanuts, the customers can season various flavors according to their own intention

7. The last step is packing. Vacuum nitrogen packaging machine can finish large and high efficiency packaging. Through the packing, the fried peanuts can keep tasty and no damage for a long time.

Amisy Fried peanut processing line consist of 6 independent machines , it is used to produce delicious peanut , including blanching machine, peanut peeling machine, frying machine, de-oiling machine, flavoring machine and vacuum nitrogen packaging machine, according to the different needs of the customers, it has large, medium and small scale. If you have other special request for the fried peanut processing line also can customize it as your request.

Almond Value-added Products

Almond doesn't just provide unsurpassed flavor food , it also delivers richest sources of health-benefiting nutrients essential for optimum health. almonds have long been revered as the epitome of wellness and health throughout the world, no matter where they appear, almonds are always a perfect fit.

Almond Nutrition
Almond nuts are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals , mono-unsaturated fatty acids and packed with numerous health promoting phyto-chemicals; it is a kind of well-balanced diet ,which is excellent in monounsaturated fatty acids help to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile, also has been associated with decreased risk of heart disease (Almond Board of California).

Scientific evidence continues to mount suggesting that a regular diet of almonds may help maintain healthy hearts, reduce weight, prevent diabetes, fight arthritis, inhibit tumor cell growth and may even help lower the risk of Alzheimer's.

The Value-added Products
The majority of almonds are consumed as ingredients in almond manufactured goods, and granola bars, almonds in cereals, ice cream,wheat-free crackers made of nuts, confectionery and baked goods have been introduced . while remaining consumption takes place in the form of snacks, in home baking and food service outlets.

Almond milk is a beverage made from ground almonds, often used as a substitute for dairy milk. It contains neither cholesterol nor lactose. it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians who abstain from dairy products. Commercial almond milk products often come in plain, vanilla or chocolate flavors. Almond milk can also be made at home by grinding almonds with water in a blender and the vanilla flavoring and sweeteners are often added.

Use the not-yet-ripe kernels of green almonds which harvest early , and the liquid kernels used to add a delicate taste on high-end dishes.

Almond butter may be crunchy or smooth, and is generally "stir" (susceptible to oil separation) or "no-stir" (emulsified). Almond butter may be either raw or roasted, describing the almonds themselves prior to grinding(also can use peanut butter machine ). It is recommended that almond butter be refrigerated once opened to prevent spoilage and oil separation.

Almond oil used as an emollient,applied regularly, it helps keep skin well protected from dryness. Additionally, the oil is used in cooking in Iran, and Turkey. It is also used as “carrier or base oil” in traditional medicines in aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.

Almonds are either sold as in-shell or as processed, which can include shelling, dry roasting, blanching, slicing, chopping and conversion into flour, paste (marzipan) or flavorings. The majority of almonds are shelled during processing, and the excess casings (the hull and shell) are used in the livestock industry for both feed and bedding material.

Almonds or the value-added more and more popular in consumer .processing the almond industry also more and more profitable to manufacturer. Amisy almond shelling machine is a complete line for shelling the almond ,meet different manufacturer’s requirements and help you easy engaging in almond high-value processing food products . The reliable almond machinery helps you own a bigger chance of earning profits.

Almond Hulling&Shelling and Processing

The almonds are collected from the field or buy the raw almond ,there are two basic types of almond processing facilities: those that produce hulled, inshell almonds as a final product (known as almond shelling machine), and those that produce hulled, shelled, almond meats as a final product (known as almond peeling machine).

Almond shelling machine is a complete line ,its function is to remove the hull and shell of the almond from the nut or meat. which include 4 steps: inshell grading process, shelling process, kernel Grading process and shell removing process.

The first step is to grade the almond into 4 grades. In this process, the almonds after grading, the big and small size almonds will automatically separated from different discharging mouth. At the same time removes the twigs, rocks, and most of the foreign material. after grading the inshell almond can be roast. This roasting almond machine is ideal equipment for roasting inshell almonds. it composed of transmission device, electric control panel, electric heating tube, roller box, and rotary drum, ideal roasting equipment for commercial household use. and the highlight of this roast machine is even heating , high efficiency and the roasted almond has good flavor and appearance.

The second step is shelling, strips away the outer hull that encases the shell. The almond shelling machine removes the almond shell as inshell almonds pass between two rollers that crack and slip the shell apart from the nut,and adjusting the clearance between processing compression roller can realize to process three different types of almonds at the same time. Both of these brute-force operations must be performed with the utmost care and respect for the fragile and valuable almond kernel inside. Scratching, breaking, or scarring the almond is never acceptable.

The third steps the almond meats are conveyed to kernel grading machine which can sieve these kernels fast and easily ,after the kernels grading, which sort lights, middlings, goods, heavies. and they will be automatically separated from different discharging mouth. Lights, middlings, and heavies, which still contain hulls and shells, are returned to the second step shelling. Goods are conveyed to almond peeling machine peeling the almonds skins.

The fourth shell removing and separating of the shell and kernel. This wet type almond peeling machine is mainly used to peeling the soaked almonds, it adopts high standard pure soft rubber wheel which can move the skin of almonds off easily and gently like human hand, so it features high peeled rate, high complete-kernel rate and non-pollution, Which vibration discharging is adopted with auto separation of peanut skin and kernel,you can directly obtain the almond without skin .

At last the unshelled almond kernel will be sent back for fourth shelling. simultaneously the hulled or shelled almond meats are shipped to large production facilities where the almonds may undergo further processing into various end products. During almonds are shelled treatment,while  the hulls and shells have become byproducts ,and the excess casings (the hull and shell) are used in the livestock industry for both feed ingredient and bedding material.

The immediacy of the hulling and shelling operation is understood when one considers that all other operations in the almond crop cycle are year-round process, while the huller/sheller must complete its work in just 3-months. Once done, the kernels can then be sized, graded, and packaged in Processing, in fulfillment of customer orders.


Ingredients of Fish Ball and Production

Fish balls can make for a delicious appetizer. If you decide to pair them with a few of your favorite sides, they can also make for a tasty main course served after boiled, steamed, fried, or in soup. To make fish balls, you should scale and debone the fish first; then remove the skin and cut the fish finely into paste mixing with other ingredients; at last, shape into balls. They are mostly devoid of flavor,so you can either boil them or sometimes deep-fry them. Boiled them in hot pot , or in soups (like daikon soup,Spare Rib soup).

Ingredients of Fish Balls
The basic ingredients are fish and sometimes flour; flavorings, such as salt and sugar, can also be used. The proportion of fish and flour depends on the quality and type of fish balls to be made. The white fish balls found in some traditional Hong Kong restaurants are made using only fresh fish while the street fried fish balls are made by using cheap fish and a mixture of flour in order to reduce costs from the wholesale business. But how to production fish ball ,please go on reading,you will understand.

Fish Ball Production Flow Chart
1. Retrieve the quick frozen (-55°C) yellow tail fusilier which is imported from Indonesia from freezer (-18°C), then  Defrost the yellow tail fusilier  in water.
2. If the fish have a lot of fish scale .you should use fish scaling machine, it can remove the fish scale in a automatic and sanitary way.
3 .Use Fish Cutting Machine cut the fish quickly and evenly, broken trash falls from the slice mouth, after one or more times cut into suitable fillets.
4. Then placed the fish slices in the bowl cutter machine for grinding process. This bowl cutter is used within meat processing industry to cut meat to a fine degree and to blend and mix ingredients into the meat. It is usually applicable to make stuffing for sausage, bologna, meat ball, ham, hot dog, patty, meat pie, etc.
5. In the bowl cut grinding, prepare the salt and MSG content according to locality taste requirement. Place all the ingredients into the bowl cut machine for blending.
6. The auto operation are synchronised to control the speed and timing of the process. Now, the yellow tail fusilier paste is ready for forming!
7. The fish paste are then conveyed to the Meatball Forming Machine ,which is mainly used to make chicken meatball, fish flesh ball, shrimp ball, beef meatball ,etc.
8. If you need stuffing fish ball,you can put the fish paste put the Stuffing Meatball Machine,this is the core meatball machine, which is the equipment for all kinds of meat forming into balls with stuffings inside. this core meatball machine is specific designed for industrial use. It can produce the meatball in large quantity, 7000 grain per hour above, only one person will operate it, and the rate is as high as 98% ,simultaneously,  The shape, size and freshness of the fish ball is our assurance.
9. To attain better elastic and texture, all fishballs must be stowed into clean water for approximately 5 to 8 hours
10. The delivery reference no. will be marked at each individual container.
11. The respective containers will then be sealed with plastic covers before ,then delivery.

Sweet Corn is A Potential Business

Sweet corn also known as corn on the cob, sugar corn is a special maize variety. Unlike field corn varieties which are harvested when the kernels are dry and mature (dent stage), sweet corn is picked when immature (milk stage)  eaten as a vegetable and used fresh since the sugars in the kernel quickly convert to starch, so must be eaten fresh, canned, or frozen before the kernels become tough and starchy. sweet corn is native to Central American region, which later introduced to the rest of the world by Spanish explorers.

Health benefits of sweet corn
Sweet corn is gluten-free cereal and safely used in celiac disease individuals. contains high-quality phyto-nutrition comprising of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants in addition to moderate proportions of minerals.

It is a good source of phenolic flavonoid antioxidant, ferulic acid. Several research studies suggest that ferulic acid plays vital role in preventing cancers, aging, and inflammation in humans. It also contains good levels of some of the valuable B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folates, riboflavin, and pyridoxine. Many of these vitamins function as co-factors to enzymes during substrate metabolism. also contains healthy amounts of some important minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese.

Consumption in the world
In Latin America, sweet corn is traditionally eaten with beans; each plant is deficient in an essential amino acid that happens to be abundant in the other, so together sweet corn and beans form a balanced diet. Similarly, sweet corn in Indonesia is traditionally ground or soaked with milk, which makes available a B vitamin in the corn, the absence of which would otherwise lead to pellagra.

The kernels are boiled or steamed. In Europe, China, Korea, Japan and India, they are often  used as a pizza topping, or in salads after sweet corn husked (Sweet Corn Husker Machine). Corn on the cob is a sweet corn cob that has been boiled, steamed, or grilled whole; the kernels are then eaten directly off the cob or cut off. Creamed corn is sweet corn served in a milk or cream sauce. Sweet corn can also be eaten as baby corn.

If left to dry on the plant, kernels may be taken off the cob and cooked in oil where, unlike popcorn, they expand to about double the original kernel size and are often called corn nuts. A soup may also be made from the plant, called sweet corn soup.

Consumption as Processed Product.
The value of sweet corn processors freeze vegetables. because most canneries handle a few vegetables, making it possible to separate the impact of corn from that of peas, sauerkraut and other items. Frozen vegetables have become more popular, but plants that produce those often handled other foods such as fruit or French fries,

When canning corn don't be surprised if it comes out a deep golden color. This sometimes happens with the sweeter varieties.

Sweet Corn As Dessert . sweet corn ice cream abounds in Mexico and tapioca-coconut milk-corn pudding is comfort food in Thailand. Panna cotta, that silky, eggless Italian custard, is another popular vehicle for showcasing the "sweet" in sweet corn. The menu at the popular trattoria Esca in New York City features a sweet corn panna cotta when corn is in season.

Fire up Google and it's easy to find more dessert recipes incorporating sweet corn. The New York Times posted a video late last month showing how to make sweet corn ice cream with blackberry verbena sauce.

Start a Sweet Corn Business
Because of the large of the sweet corn market and health benefits. Start a sweet corn business have a large potential . Amisy leading supplier and exporter of highly functional and superlative range of food processing machines & allied products. Designed in conformation with the international quality standards, Sweet Corn Thresher,Sweet Corn Husker Machine,Corn Cutting Machine (for Threshing) and other machines will help for your business make more profits

Steamed Food

Steaming is one of the best cooking methods for maximizing taste and color, while retaining the most nutrients and minerals in vegetables and fish. It is a very healthy cooking method and capable of cooking all kinds of food. compares to others cooking it doesn’t require cooking oil, thus, low in fat content. It has a stronger, more flavorful taste, comparing other food cooking such as roasted, baked, boiled ,stir fry or frying.

Benefits of Steamed Food
Steamed food maintains more of its nutritional value and nutrients than food that is baked or boiled .Overcooking or burning food is easily avoided when steaming it. A 2007 USDA comparison between steaming and boiling vegetables shows the most affected nutrients are folic acid and vitamin C. When compared to raw consumption, steaming reduces folic acid by 15%, and boiling reduces it by 35%. Steaming reduces vitamin C by 15%, and boiling reduces it by 25%. Phenolic compounds with antioxidant properties have been found to retain significantly better through steaming than through boiling or microwaving.  Most other nutrients are reduced by a similar amount by both methods of cooking.

Adding Extra Flavor
Just because steaming is a healthy way to cook doesn’t mean it has to be bland. There are many ways of adding extra flavor to steamed food during the cooking process. You can bring extra flavor to your food by adding all sorts of complementary herbs and spices to your cooking liquid.  Further up the flavor by substituting stock, fruit juice or wine for water.  The additional flavors will permeate the food as the steam cooks them.

Food by Steaming
In China, the Chinese have used steamers for at least 3000 years or more. In Western cooking, steaming is most often used to cook vegetables - it is rarely used to cook meats.

In Chinese cuisine seafood and meat dishes are steamed. For example: steamed whole fish, steamed crab, steamed pork spare ribs, steamed ground pork or beef, steamed chicken, steamed goose, etc. Other than meat dishes, also rice can be steamed , although in Chinese this is rarely referred to as "steaming" but rather simply as "cooking." Wheat foods are steamed as well. Examples include buns, Chinese steamed cakes etc. Commercially sold frozen foods (such as dumpling ,rice glue ,dim sum and so on) used to have instructions to reheat by steaming, until the rise in popularity of home multifunctional steamed cabinet which have considerably shorter cooking times.

How to Steam
The secret to steaming food is to make sure there is enough heat around the food. If not, the food may be undercooked. However, if too much heat is present the food may turn rubbery. With the improvement of people’s healthy diet concept, steamed cabinet is becoming more and more popular . you just need a steamed cabinet make the steaming food more easily .open the power and waiting for six minutes the steam come up put the food into the steamed cabinet and fasten up it. then waiting for about quarter-hour the food is done.

Multifunctional Steamed Cabinet
The multifunctional steamed cabinet is widely used to steam rice, desserts, vegetables, fish, vegetables and seafood etc. The steamed cabinet can be used for tableware disinfection.  Saving time and energy. The steamed oven can generate a large amount of steam in 6 minutes. The energy saving rate is up to 60%. reliable performance and good after-sales service make the food steaming machine popular throughout the world. and if you need specialized field Steamed Bread Machine,Baozi(Steamed Bun with Filling),Mantou(Steamed Bun) machine. Amisy highly functional and superlative food processing machines & allied products is your best choice .


Producing Bean sprout

Used extensively in Asian cuisine, bean sprouts are not often considered by the public as a nutritional element. However, bean sprouts, or rather Mung Bean Sprouts, as they are properly called, contain pure forms of vitamins A, B, C, and E, in addition to an assortment of minerals including Calcium, Iron, and Potassium. Thanks to this vitamin & mineral two-fisted punch of nutrition, bean sprouts are gaining popularity as a health food, turning up in everything from salads to soups or just as a healthy snack,available fresh all year round.

Two Main Kinds of Bean Sprout
mung bean sprouts : A common sight in Asian stir fries, mung bean sprouts are a crisp, slightly nutty tasting addition to any meal. You'll usually find them labeled simply as "bean sprouts" in the supermarket. These are among the fastest beans and seeds to sprout

Other common bean sprouts are the usually yellow, larger-grained soy sprouts. The sprouts that are easiest to grow are also commonly eaten raw: alfalfa, lentils, chickpeas, and adzuki beans.

The Benefit of Bean Sprout
The sprouting process releases dormant enzymes that make the beans more easily digestible. also because of high concentration of enzymes facilitating the digestive process. The sprouts are free of cholesterol, rich in potassium, vitamins and amino acids ,contain a high source of fiber, in some cases, even more nutritious. The sprouted beans are more nutritious than the original beans and they require much less cooking time

Bean Sprouts Cheap
Bean sprouts are a common food ingredient and  may lead to saving of expenses. reflect people’s desire to save money. and the bean sprouts are rich nutrition. With little preparation required, they are also easy to cook.

In Asian Cuisine
As a common ingredient, Soy sprouts and mung sprouts are used in most countries in East and Southeast Asia. In Chinese cuisine, common dishes that may use bean sprouts, are fried rice, spring rolls, egg drop soup, and hot and sour soup. In Korea, it is one of the staple ingredients for Namul. They are used in Vietnamese cuisine as well. In Japanese cuisine ,Bean sprouts are a common ingredient in many Japanese dishes such as stir fries and soups. They are used in Thai cuisine, usually eaten in soups and stir-fried dishes.

How to Grow Bean Sprouts
The main principles are: selecting good seed (new and uniform), avoid that light reaches the seeds and also assure enough humidity, but avoid water content.

The Production Process Is As Follow:
Quality beans--washing and cleaning--soaking in appropriate temperature-then put the bean in the bean sprouting machine,start machine and set reasonable parameters--observe the growth of bean sprouts (4-5 days)-Harvest bean sprouts .

Bean Sprouting Machine
The bean sprout machine which Full-automatic by microcomputer controller: temperature display, high temperature alarm, warming automatically, air circulating, water shortage alarm, automatic adding water, automatic water spraying. and the box body is a thermal insulation, waterproof and rustproof composite color steel plate, the internal frame are all make of stainless steel.

Amisy bean sprout machine is new type and full automatic bean sprouts processing equipment which is the modern technology and the traditional process perfect union. it is widely used in medium-size specialized households, sprouting in factory, dining room and other units of the seeding vegetable production.

Sugarcane Juice have a prospective business

Sugar cane is grown primarily in the tropics and subtropics. it is an economically important seed plant family that includes maize, wheat, rice, and sorghum and many forage crops. Sugar cane is the world’s largest, important and major crop which is very sweet in taste. It is used as raw material for the production of sugar .Today, over 75 percent of the world's sugar comes from sugarcane. most of the rest is made from sugar beets.

Vast Sugarcane Country of Origin
It is cultivated in several countries, Brazil is, by far, the world's largest producer of sugarcane, accounting for one third of world production. Asian production, which includes India, China and Thailand, accounts for another one-third of the world production. India is the world's second largest producer of sugarcane and China is the fourth largest. And in turn is the Thailand, Pakistan,Mexico,Colombia,Philippines, Australia, Argentina

Sugarcane Juice
Sugarcane juice is the juice extracted from pressed sugarcane. It is consumed as a beverage in many places, especially where sugarcane is commercially grown such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America and Brazil. You may even see it for sale at farmers markets or festivals in the southeastern United States, It is rich in both carbohydrates and iron .Combine it with lemon ,lime ,pineapple and ice will create a refresh and tasty drink. In India it can be served with black salt or mint.

Sugarcane Juice Machine
Although  raw sugarcane can be sucking or chewing consume the juice, but  A machine used to extract sugar cane juice extracted in larger quantities for drinking .The juice is obtained by crushing peeled sugar cane in a mill. It can be processed by hand or electric equipment. there are four kind of sugarcane extract equipment : Manual sugarcane extractor is hand operated which is simple and easy to clean. Countertop sugarcane juice extractor is the most durable machine in the market. it can processed fresh juice at time, it is of electric design with 280 kg/h fresh juice, so this machine can be used for both commercial use and home use. Electric sugarcane juice machine and Vertical sugarcane juice extractor

Sugarcane Juice Health Benefits
Sugarcane juice is consumed worldwide, and due to its high sugar content, it is rich in calories and people's modern diet concept of health,freshness and convenience ,the important is sugarcane juice have a lot of health benefits. Unlike table sugar, it has no simple sugars, diabetics can therefore enjoy it without worrying about soaring blood sugar levels .It provides glucose to the body, burned by the muscles to provide the body natural energy. It re-hydrates the human body fatigued from heat and physical activity. It's known to boost performance in athletes and manual laborers.

although sugar cane juice does not provide any vitamin A, C or E, it may still offer antioxidant benefits because it contains flavonoid and phenolic compounds. According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, flavonoids may provide antiviral, anti-allergic, anti-platelet, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antioxidant benefits to the human body.

Sugarcane Juice Popular Regions
In Pakistan, where it is called "roh" and sold fresh by roadside vendors only.  In India it is one of the most widely consumed drinks, especially in the northern states . In Egypt, sugar cane served by almost all fruit juice vendors, who can be found abundantly in most cities. In Indonesia and Malaysia, sugar cane juice is sold nationwide especially among street vendors. It is bottled for local distribution in some regions and sold at food courts daily.  In Singapore, food courts sell sugar cane juice but not on streets. In Vietnam it  is very popular as a refreshing drink in the hot climate. In Brazil, Sometimes it can be combined with lime or pineapple juice. Cane juice is distilled into cachaça, the Brazilian national liquor.

Sugarcane Juice have a prospective business .So start a business with sugarcane juice extractor will bring you endless profit. And Amisy offer the Sugarcane Juice Extractor for your business profits to add an odds-on


Ginger Processing Product analysis(continue)

Fresh Ginger Easy Rotten
Ginger is a tropical species native to South East Asia and is the underground stem (rhizome) of a perennial herb, aka Zingiber officinale, is a rhizome, a thick underground stem . Each ginger plant can grow up to three feet high and produce 2-5 sections of ginger, which can be harvested year-round. Because of ginger is easy become rotten. After a ginger root is broken off from the main plant it is washed and dried by the modern equipment just for convenient storage and storage.

The Planting Region
Currently, since ginger grows best in warm, damp areas, it’s currently cultivated in China, India, Australia, and Jamaica. China and India produce most of the world’s ginger

It is estimated that annually around 1.6 million tonnes of ginger is produced all over the world. India and China contribute almost 50 per cent of world ginger production. India is the largest producer of ginger in the world with over seven lakh tonnes from an area of 1,42,089 ha in 2009-10. However, in terms of area, Nigeria and China are on top. and Nepal has become the world’s third largest producer of ginger after India and China . They said in 2013 year the producing belts of Indian had a bumper production of raw ginger which was processed and slicing into dry ginger(Ginger Slicing Machine).

Consume in The World
It is sold in the fresh state in a peeled and split dried form. Ginger is utilized widely as a spice, for pickles, candies and as a medicinal herb. Out of the total production, about 30 per cent is converted into dry ginger, while 50 per cent is consumed as green ginger and the rest as seed materials. Dry ginger is a major share of which is exported.

World trade in ginger is estimated at $190 million per year. The main overseas markets of the commodity are Australia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the UAE, Morocco, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan, the UK and the US.

Export Potential
Ginger has been used for its health benefits for over 5000 years and is used in Asian medicine to treat stomach aches, nausea, and diarrhoea. Many digestive, anti-nausea, and cold and flu dietary supplements sold in the United States contain ginger extract as an ingredient. Studies suggest that the short-term use of ginger can safely relieve pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting.  Ginger also has been used for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and joint and muscle pain.

Ginger is one of the farm products identified by Nepal Trade Integration Strategy
(NTIS) 2010 as having export potential. encouraged farmers to go for commercial farming, Demand for ginger has been increasing due to its growing export value, high potential for product diversification to make jam, jelly, candy and sauce has made ginger one of the export potential products.

Ginger Prices and Ginger production all Increased
Ginger prices are on an uptrend on short supply, while the demand continues to be strong. Prices that were ruling at Rs 65-85 a kg during the post-harvesting period . Ginger production increased marginally by 2.6 percent in 2011 compared to 2010. However, output has jumped 146 percent in the last decade. In 2002, ginger production was recorded at 87,909 tonnes. in 2011 compared to the global output of 2.02 million tonnes.

Low Cost and High Profits
According to a study, the per kg cost of ginger production is Rs 18 Based on the average market price of Rs 62.29 per kg . It is also highly labour incentive compared to other sectors.  If the processing plant is set up, it will add value to farmers’  products.

High effect Ginger Equipment
Amisy is China leading supplier and exporter of highly functional and superlative range of food processing machines & allied products. The Ginger Shredding Machine,Ginger Slicing Machine,Garlic Slicing Machine etc . Designed in conformation with the international quality standards, high quality machine for you ginger business open a high profit ginger market

Ginger Processing Product analysis

Ginger is an herb have a thick root. It is a commonly used spice, which has originated in India. The spice is very common in India and China and is now used all over the world.

Versatile Applications
Ginger is an important commercial crop with versatile applications. As condiment, ginger is used for flavoring many food products like tomato sauce or ketchup, salad dressings, meat sausages, gravies, pickles, curry dishes and so on. In many medicines as it helps digestion and absorption of food and has antiseptic properties. Ginger based products have wide range of applications in many industries like food processing, pharmaceutical, soft drinks, meat canning, confectionary, tobacco processing, soap making and so on. It is, therefore, necessary to assess market for the contemplated products before finalizing the production capacity. There are good export prospects as well.

Ginger is usually available in three different forms; fresh (green) ginger,preserved ginger in brine or syrup , dried ginger spice.

Fresh ginger
Fresh is usually only eaten in the area where it is produced although it is possible to transport fresh roots internationally. Both mature and immature rhizomes are consumed as a fresh vegetable. both fresh green ginger used for the preparation of candied ginger (in sugar syrup) and dried or cured ginger applied as spice are used. Fresh ginger is sometimes used in the preparation of ginger wine or used as beverage in some countries. resh (green), pickled or processed and dry. There is a large market for both fresh and dried ginger. The main application of ginger oil are confectionery beverages and baked products.

Preserved ginger
Preserved ginger is only made from the immature rhizomes. Most preserved ginger is exported. Hong Kong, China and Australia are the major producers of preserved ginger and dominate the world market. It is difficult to compete with the well established Chinese and Australian producers.

Dried ginger
Dried ginger spice is produced from the mature rhizome. As the rhizome matures the flavor and aroma become much stronger. Dried ginger is exported, usually in large pieces which are then ground into a spice in the country where it is used. Dried ginger can be ground and used directly as a spice and also for the extraction of ginger oil and ginger oleoresin.

Processing dried ginger Quality control
Harvest ginger at 8-9 months of age; less than 8-9 months flavor not developed ; more than 8-9 months becomes too fibrous and take care to prevent injury and bruising

Kill the rhizome by one of the methods; • washing and peeling (Fruit & Vegetable Washing and Peeling Processing Line) • chop into pieces(Ginger Slicing Machine) • biol whole rhizome (10 minutes) Take care to only remove the fibrous outer cork skin. If peeling is too thick, essential oil and flavour will be lost. Boiling results in a black colour which requires bleaching

Dry to moisture content of 7-12% ; Store in a cool dry place. Dry Rapidly to prevent growth, and microwave drying method is the best choice. Do not store for long periods as flavour will be lost

Ginger Powder
The material may be garbled by removing pieces that are too lighter and it may also be lime bleached. The dried rhizomes may also be ground into powder. It can be used as pharmaceuticals for the production of herbal medicines in the treatment of cold fever. It can be used as additive for the food supplement. Powder ginger has very good domestic as well as export market. Any new entrepreneur enter in this field will successful.

High effect Ginger Equipment
Amisy is China leading supplier and exporter of highly functional and superlative range of food processing machines & allied products. The Ginger Shredding Machine,Ginger Slicing Machine,Garlic Slicing Machine etc . Designed in conformation with the international quality standards, high quality machine for you ginger business open a high profit ginger market