
Nutrients of Fruits and Vegetables Juice

Compounds found in fruit and vegetable juices appear to have widespread positive effects on health.  Fruit and vegetable juice provides not only the nutrients well-known functions, but also nutrients with roles that are not yet understood or recognized. There are three main effects looking beyond nutrients of fruits and vegetables.

Fruit and vegetable juice have a supportive effect.
Fruit and vegetable juices are excellent natural sources of vitamins and minerals and, can be a part of a healthy diet,  For the patient, the elderly and for infants, their gastrointestinal function is weak, gastrointestinal peristalsis slow, intestinal lactic acid bacteria less, food residues in gastrointestinal difficult to digest;  Juices may be fortified with extra vitamins (such as vitamin C), minerals (such as calcium), cholesterol-lowering sterols, and, increasingly, omega-3 fatty acids, For people who are lactose-intolerant, calcium-fortified orange juice can be an important source of calcium.  for adults, they cannot guarantee the rational diet. It is very suitable to complement nutrition deficiency of dietary to through drinking juice.

Fruit and vegetable juice have a protective effect.
Juice is an ample source of phytonutrients-compounds in fruits, vegetables and other plants that have disease-preventative and disease-fighting potential for helps keep you healthy.  Although this benefit is not listed on the label, there is strong support for the role fruits and vegetables play in reducing disease risk.

Fruits and vegetables can protect the body from such major diseases as cancer and heart disease. Some are high in substances called anti-oxidants, such as beta carotene, Vitamins C and E and selenium, which are nutrients that protect cell membranes from the damage of free radicals. Some are rich in other anti-cancer compounds, such as indoles. This is especially true of the cruciferous family to which the cabbage belongs.

Fruit and vegetable juice have a medicinal effect.
Historically, fruit and vegetable juices have been tied to a number of specific health claims. Many fruit juices contain potassium, which helps balance sodium in the diet and lowers blood pressure. Vitamin C in some fruit juices helps heal cuts and bruises, prevents infection, and aids in the absorption of iron (helping our bodies use the iron we get from foods), and vitamin A benefits eye and skin health. It can be your best non-prescription drugs. For example, blueberries are an effective anti-diarrheal agent, and ginger is as effective as well-promoted motion-sickness drug, daily consumption of cranberry juice does appear to help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in some women, pomegranate juice may help lower total cholesterol and reduce systolic blood pressure. and new studies show that it also relieves nausea and stomach discomfort caused by pregnancy.

For centuries plants have been used for their medicinal effects. In a maxim often quoted, our father of medicine, Hippocrates, said that we should let food be our medicine. However, we do not advocate that juice should be a substitute for medical care, but rather a valuable way to complement it.

Amisy supplies food processing machines meeting the urgent need of the international market. With the advanced equipment and processing technology, our fruit and vegetable processing machine and juice making machine have higher quality, more new varieties, and a reasonable price.

