
Current Supply & Demand of International Vegetable Market

Vegetables represent a significant group of food crops supplying important sources of vitamins and minerals in the daily diet of people. Vegetables are generally consumed fresh, but processed vegetables are also popular in the global. Originally, vegetables were grown in small patches by the rural people for their own consumption and the bulk of the urban needs were imported. However, urbanization and rapid industrial development stimulated demand for fresh greens in urban centres.

In India , the vegetable business is one of the fastest growing in the food processing industry . This is due to the increased demand for frozen vegetable products, processed mushrooms, tomato products, and pickles all over the world. This has created abundant investment opportunities in the food processing industry in India, which is primarily export-oriented. Due to the geographical location of India, it has the advantage of a large export market which includes the Middle East, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Thailand and Europe

China, as the biggest country on global vegetable production and trade, has the varieties of vegetables and the rich agricultural labor force. give a rise to a sharp increase of demand these vegetable and bring out great opportunities to the export

Panama is a tropical country with an astounding degree of biodiversity. Among the estimated 10,000 species of plants found in Panama, 1,500 are found nowhere else. This biodiversity translates into an abundance of fruits and vegetables grown in Panama, many of which are exported to the U.S. and Europe.  For many years, Panama depend on export earned  a lot  of the foreign exchange.

The world fruit and vegetables market is expected to exceed $735 billion by 2015, representing 25% growth over five years. By 2015, the market is predicted to reach over 690 million tons in volume, up 5% compared with 2010. Exports of fruit and vegetables generate around $45 billion, reports the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). released statistics show that there is a great gap on the international vegetable market in nearly years and the momentum of vegetable export is deemed optimistic.  With the rising demand of vegetables, there is a booming trend of vegetable processing industry.

Many varieties of vegetables in international market are very competitive, especially in Southeast Asia, European and American market. At present, the processed vegetable is 25% of total vegetables in developed country. The demand quantity of processed vegetable in European Union, Japan, South Korea and other countries and regions is growing. The reason is that the degree of vegetable self-sufficient of these countries and regions keep declining, such as: Canada is 77%, UK is 76%, Japan is 50%, and Switzerland is 42.6%. At the same time the developed countries such as the United States and European countries strongly advocate the vegetable diet.

Amisy Machinery supplies the vegetable processing machines meeting the urgent need of the international market for the vegetable products. With the advanced equipment and processing technology, our products have higher quality, more new varieties, and a reasonable price. as long as reasonable project for market camp pin strategy and plan, will open the situation in the short term and get high share of the market.

