
Nutrients of Fruits and Vegetables Juice

Compounds found in fruit and vegetable juices appear to have widespread positive effects on health.  Fruit and vegetable juice provides not only the nutrients well-known functions, but also nutrients with roles that are not yet understood or recognized. There are three main effects looking beyond nutrients of fruits and vegetables.

Fruit and vegetable juice have a supportive effect.
Fruit and vegetable juices are excellent natural sources of vitamins and minerals and, can be a part of a healthy diet,  For the patient, the elderly and for infants, their gastrointestinal function is weak, gastrointestinal peristalsis slow, intestinal lactic acid bacteria less, food residues in gastrointestinal difficult to digest;  Juices may be fortified with extra vitamins (such as vitamin C), minerals (such as calcium), cholesterol-lowering sterols, and, increasingly, omega-3 fatty acids, For people who are lactose-intolerant, calcium-fortified orange juice can be an important source of calcium.  for adults, they cannot guarantee the rational diet. It is very suitable to complement nutrition deficiency of dietary to through drinking juice.

Fruit and vegetable juice have a protective effect.
Juice is an ample source of phytonutrients-compounds in fruits, vegetables and other plants that have disease-preventative and disease-fighting potential for helps keep you healthy.  Although this benefit is not listed on the label, there is strong support for the role fruits and vegetables play in reducing disease risk.

Fruits and vegetables can protect the body from such major diseases as cancer and heart disease. Some are high in substances called anti-oxidants, such as beta carotene, Vitamins C and E and selenium, which are nutrients that protect cell membranes from the damage of free radicals. Some are rich in other anti-cancer compounds, such as indoles. This is especially true of the cruciferous family to which the cabbage belongs.

Fruit and vegetable juice have a medicinal effect.
Historically, fruit and vegetable juices have been tied to a number of specific health claims. Many fruit juices contain potassium, which helps balance sodium in the diet and lowers blood pressure. Vitamin C in some fruit juices helps heal cuts and bruises, prevents infection, and aids in the absorption of iron (helping our bodies use the iron we get from foods), and vitamin A benefits eye and skin health. It can be your best non-prescription drugs. For example, blueberries are an effective anti-diarrheal agent, and ginger is as effective as well-promoted motion-sickness drug, daily consumption of cranberry juice does appear to help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in some women, pomegranate juice may help lower total cholesterol and reduce systolic blood pressure. and new studies show that it also relieves nausea and stomach discomfort caused by pregnancy.

For centuries plants have been used for their medicinal effects. In a maxim often quoted, our father of medicine, Hippocrates, said that we should let food be our medicine. However, we do not advocate that juice should be a substitute for medical care, but rather a valuable way to complement it.

Amisy supplies food processing machines meeting the urgent need of the international market. With the advanced equipment and processing technology, our fruit and vegetable processing machine and juice making machine have higher quality, more new varieties, and a reasonable price.


Current Supply & Demand of International Vegetable Market

Vegetables represent a significant group of food crops supplying important sources of vitamins and minerals in the daily diet of people. Vegetables are generally consumed fresh, but processed vegetables are also popular in the global. Originally, vegetables were grown in small patches by the rural people for their own consumption and the bulk of the urban needs were imported. However, urbanization and rapid industrial development stimulated demand for fresh greens in urban centres.

In India , the vegetable business is one of the fastest growing in the food processing industry . This is due to the increased demand for frozen vegetable products, processed mushrooms, tomato products, and pickles all over the world. This has created abundant investment opportunities in the food processing industry in India, which is primarily export-oriented. Due to the geographical location of India, it has the advantage of a large export market which includes the Middle East, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Thailand and Europe

China, as the biggest country on global vegetable production and trade, has the varieties of vegetables and the rich agricultural labor force. give a rise to a sharp increase of demand these vegetable and bring out great opportunities to the export

Panama is a tropical country with an astounding degree of biodiversity. Among the estimated 10,000 species of plants found in Panama, 1,500 are found nowhere else. This biodiversity translates into an abundance of fruits and vegetables grown in Panama, many of which are exported to the U.S. and Europe.  For many years, Panama depend on export earned  a lot  of the foreign exchange.

The world fruit and vegetables market is expected to exceed $735 billion by 2015, representing 25% growth over five years. By 2015, the market is predicted to reach over 690 million tons in volume, up 5% compared with 2010. Exports of fruit and vegetables generate around $45 billion, reports the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). released statistics show that there is a great gap on the international vegetable market in nearly years and the momentum of vegetable export is deemed optimistic.  With the rising demand of vegetables, there is a booming trend of vegetable processing industry.

Many varieties of vegetables in international market are very competitive, especially in Southeast Asia, European and American market. At present, the processed vegetable is 25% of total vegetables in developed country. The demand quantity of processed vegetable in European Union, Japan, South Korea and other countries and regions is growing. The reason is that the degree of vegetable self-sufficient of these countries and regions keep declining, such as: Canada is 77%, UK is 76%, Japan is 50%, and Switzerland is 42.6%. At the same time the developed countries such as the United States and European countries strongly advocate the vegetable diet.

Amisy Machinery supplies the vegetable processing machines meeting the urgent need of the international market for the vegetable products. With the advanced equipment and processing technology, our products have higher quality, more new varieties, and a reasonable price. as long as reasonable project for market camp pin strategy and plan, will open the situation in the short term and get high share of the market.


Healthy Pasta Popular in Global

Global Pasta Consumption to Increase
Over the years, pasta remained an important part of every dinner table for weekday meals as well as for weekend feasts, worldwide. This is primarily driven by growing number of nuclear families and the need for faster cooked meals. Factors such as high nutritional content, easy-to-prepare, longer life, and versatility are resulting in increased consumption of pasta across the globe, even in the Middle Eastern and African regions.

The United States and Europe dominate the world pasta market accounting for 60% of the consumption, as stated by the new market research report on Pasta market. Per capita consumption of pasta varies among different regions, across the world. While, the people in Japan consume approximately 1.8 kilograms of pasta per year, the people in Italy consume as high as 28.6 kilograms of pasta each year. Pasta is the staple food among the population in Italy and neighboring European countries such as, Switzerland, Greece, and France and Russia, among others. Americans too prefer pasta to a great extent, with per capita consumption reaching 8.9 kilograms per year in the US in 2008.

Why Pasta is so Popular
1. Carbohydrates is a key ingredient in healthy eating. scientists and governments divide the calories in this way: 45-60% from carbohydrates, 25-30% from fats, and 15-20% from proteins. Carbohydrates like pasta provide glucose, the crucial fuel for your brain and muscles. Pasta is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, which provide a slow release of energy. Slow-release carbohydrates may also have benefit for healthy longevity as well as physical and cognitive performance.

2. Pasta is very low in sodium and cholesterol-free. Per cup, enriched varieties provide a good source of several essential nutrients, including iron and several B-vitamins. Whole wheat pasta can provide up to 25% of daily fiber requirements in every one-cup portion. also offers an additional boost of fiber, disease-fighting antioxidants and important nutrients like magnesium and vitamin E.

3. Whole wheat pasta is a perfect foundation for healthy, nutritious and satisfying meals: Pasta is generally eaten with nutrient-dense food partners.  “Pasta partners” full of nutrients include: Fiber-filled vegetables and beans;Heart-healthy fish and vegetable oils;Antioxidant-rich tomato sauce;Protein-packed cheese, poultry and lean meats.

4. Enriched pasta is fortified with folic acid – essential for women of child-bearing age. FDA regulations require enriched grain products to contain this essential vitamin. A serving of dry pasta supplies the equivalent of roughly 100 micrograms of folic acid, or 25% of the recommended daily intake.

Amisy supplies the pasta processing machines meeting the urgent need of the international market for the pasta products. With the advanced equipment and processing technology, our products have higher quality, more new varieties, and a reasonable price.


Global Meat Consumption to Increase

Currently nearly 42 kilograms of meat is produced per person worldwide, but meat consumption varies greatly by region and socioeconomic status. In the developing world, people eat about 30 kilograms of meat a year.  But consumers in the industrial world eat more than 80 kilograms per person each year. Meat production is projected to double by 2020 due to increased per capita global consumption of meat and population growth. although this prediction may be dampened by the recent economic downturn. meat industry in light of this inevitable growth and is offering solutions to this global challenge. 

As key importing countries raise their own domestic output, this is expected to lead to greater competition for export markets. Global beef production is expected to remain unchanged from the previous two years at 67.5 million tonnes, with growth in developing countries offset by lower production in developed countries.

The global beef trade is anticipated to increase by four per cent to 8.1 million tonnes, driven by higher import requirements in the US and EU in response to short domestic supplies. Shipments to Russia are also expected to increase on the back of lower domestic output combined with an increase in import quota of reduced-tariff beef.  The United States is still the world's largest beef producer, but 56 percent of production now takes place in the developing world. 

Global pig meat production in 2012 is forecast to recover by three per cent to 111.7 million tonnes. This growth should be underpinned by reduced disease levels, stronger investment and favorable market returns, with China at the forefront of this expansion.  The FAO expects some marginal fall in EU pig meat production to 23 million tonnes in 2012 due to the EU welfare regulations that will take effect from the start of 2013. 

Mutton supplies are expected to increase slightly to 13.6 million tonnes. This is expected to relieve some of the tightness in global supplies. Most of the increase is expected to originate from non-meat trading countries in Africa and Asia.

Rising food prices are pushing consumers to choose cheaper cuts of meat, like chicken.   Global poultry output in 2007 was expected to reach 93 million tons, a 4-percent increase from the previous year.  

We supply the meat processing machines meeting the urgent need of the international market for the meat products. With the advanced equipment and processing technology, our products have higher quality, more new varieties, and a reasonable price. 


A Glance at Potato Chips Market

1. Nowadays,  America is the NO.1 consumer of potato chips in the world and crispy chip keeps the top-seller for many years in USA.

2. India is one of the largest producers of potato. The potatoes are mainly made into chips or wafers as snack food. The main consumers of potato crisps are families especially in urban and semi-urban areas as well as hotels, canteens and restaurants.

3. As a worldwide popular food, potatoes are second only to rice in human consumption. And the thin, salted, crisp potato chips are people's favorite snack. 

4. The potatoes used for making chips are fresh ones, that is to say, there are no scars, no rotten potatoes.


Donut——Most People's Love

For people who are on a diet to lose weight, they will raise their eyebrows at the mention of sweet food. But the strange thing is that there is increase but no decrease of global dessert and chocolate sales. Sweet food makes people happy, so we like to eat sweet food when we are unhappy,especially lovelorn girls. Donut is just one example.

In Madrid of Spain, a few hours before the store is open, people begin to line up in the cold night. Some people are wearing pajamas, some people are holding the sofa and TV, and some people bring with some beer. When the day breaks, the fanatical customers promptly rush to the door. They shouted with the desire to the sweet: "Donut". In Japan, doughnut is popular as same as the Japanese TV dramas. Anywhere in the TV drama or advertising related to the fashion and young people, there are doughnuts. Donut has become the symbol of fashion, young and romance. In recent years, it is also popular in many cities like Boston, Sydney and Taipei. It is a popular pastry around the world and it is synonymous with style.

Let's share something about donut. Doughnut or donut is a type of fried dough confectionery or dessert food making by a donut making machine. They are usually deep-fried from a flour dough, and shaped in rings or flattened spheres that sometimes contain fillings. Other types of batters can also be used, and various toppings and flavorings are used for different types. 

No doubt,donut,as a sweet snack,they are getting more and more popular. You love it?It can be homemade or purchased in bakeries, supermarkets, food stalls, and franchised specialty outlets.